Genomic Healthcare Management System

Genomic Healthcare Management System

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Project Overview

The ICONIC DNA (sometimes referred to as the genome) is a huge molecule that contains information about our genes and inheritance. Our body grows, reproduces, assists our organs in performing their functions, and heals when harmed thanks to this DNA. Genetic testing can be used to learn about the biological foundation of health disorders that already exist or may develop in a person; to do ancestry studies to see if a genetic disease is ruled out; and for forensic purposes. Genetic testing can be done both during pregnancy and after birth. Genomic Healthcare provides appropriate counseling to patients looking for a genetic test.
Genomic Healthcare Management System
The client had approached SculptSoft for building an application for managing patients’ records in real-time, enabling patients to book appointments with ease and making relevant patient health information instantly available to the authorized users.
Project Brief:
  1. To build an electronic health record and telemedicine application.
  2. Allow access to multiple portals, for patients, clinical care coordinators, counselors, and physicians.
  3. Allow third-party partners to share the data.

Key Benefits


Integrating the genetic data into electronic healthcare management system (EHMS) has the potential to improve the accuracy and precision of genetic disorder diagnosis as well as treatment.


Genetic test results can be transferred directly to EHRs from laboratories for the clinical decision.


Accesses and secures the information of clinical summaries.


Reduces the incidence of medical error and helps in taking informed decisions.


Helps in maintaining security of Patient Health Information (PHI) and Personal Information (PI)

Features of Genomic Healthcare Management System

Patient Data Management: Records of a patient’s health journey will help improve the health outcomes by making informed decisions. This application’s user-friendly patient health data record can be accessed by patients, researchers, clinicians, and healthcare providers. The data is served considering all information security and all the Patient Health Information (PHI) rules.
Appointment Scheduling Billing: This allows patients to check the availability of a healthcare provider, select a convenient slot, schedule the appointment, and redirect to billing from their account.
Document Management: Document management is a paperless practice of maintaining patient details, medical records, test reports, etc. This application stores the data, monitors access, and archives as needed. This may increase accuracy of data and help in recommending right diagnosis and treatment of genetic disorders.
Third-Party Vendors Management: Most of this client’s vendors are the labs. The journey from lab sample collection to processing results and reports is recorded in the system’s software. Based on the reports, relevant consultation is provided to the patients.
Data Analytics: Data Analytics can help understand macro data in terms of number of patients who booked appointments, new accounts versus appointments booked, returning users, their payment modes, insurance coverage, etc. Furthermore, Data Analytics extends the analysis beyond singular applications. Analysing large volumes of data assists scientific breakthroughs, helps prevent, diagnose, and treat common and complex diseases.
Patient Outreach and Support management:  With the help of support management, the patients can benefit from the following:

Resolve their queries by reaching out to patient coordinators via chat

Reach out to the support care team over phones and emails

Information update about their health records

Appointment follow-up emails, reminders

Information about innovations

Project Approach

Challenges Faced during the Project

Develop various platforms each as a micro-services maintaining scalability and availability along with securing Patient Health Information (PHI) and Personal Information (PI)

Maintain SSO between all the portals

Setup a HIPAA and SOC2 compliant infrastructure and processes


Web Application Development


Data Science

DevOps and SecOps

The project experts developed web-based interface of patient registries that is easily navigable, understandable, and that is in support to all the authorisers.

Partnership/Engagement Model


We use the offshore-onshore model where our dedicated offshore (experts from Sculptsoft) team of professionals work closely with client’s tech team i.e. onshore team (client’s employees) throughout the project’s journey starting from strategy planning to the deliverables.


Committed to providing professionals with several skill sets that are rightly needed in the project to digitally transform the company to build a strong market and superior customer experience.


Creating an operating model to elevate the workforce with equal rights and responsibilities.


Billing cycle is based on hourly rate per resource.

Technologies Used

Our team of experts applied various strategies for High-Level Infrastructure Design

AWS Infrastructure and Services

  • ECS
  • EC2
  • RDS
  • Managed Kafka Services
  • Opensearch
  • S3
  • Amplify
  • Athena
  • Cloudwatch
  • Cloudfront
  • ELB
  • API Gateways
  • Lambda Functions

  • PostgreSQL
  • Elastic Search
  • AWS DynamoDB

  • Stripe
  • Mailgun
  • Zoom
  • Twilio
  • AWS Cognito
  • Athena
  • Zingtree
  • SurveyJS
  • Interfax
Analytics Tools

  • Airflow
  • Looker
  • Google Analytics

  • ReactJS
  • VueJS

  • Self-hosted Gitlab
  • Prometheus
  • Alert Manager
  • Grafana

  • Python Flask
  • CakePHP
  • Apache Kafka
  • Faust
  • RabbitMQ
  • NodeJS

Flow Diagram Of The Remote Appraisal Management System